Saturday, October 20, 2012

Two hikes in the Aqua Caliente Indian Reservation

From desert floor at city of Palm Springs, we drove up into the nearby hills to do some hiking. We entered the Aqua Caliente Indian Reservation and drove to the trailhead/gift shop at Palm Canyon.
The palm trees give away the location of the water. It looks like a typical desert oasis... all green in a mostly brown landscape.

Hike one - Palm Canyon trail:

Palm Canyon Oasis


Palm Canyon creek

Side-Blotched Lizard

This palm seemed like a natural photo op 
Coming out of Palm Canyon

Hike Two - Andreas Canyon Trail:

Beautiful clear water of Andreas Creek
Babbling Brook for Dian

This swimming hole was so inviting that I couldn't possibly resist getting in- it was deep and ice cold...

Wow! We were very lucky to spot a Granite Spiny Lizard

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