Sunday, March 3, 2013

Birthday Party!

Jake and Haley had a shared birthday party this year.... Haley turned "4" on Feb 18th and Jake turned "2" on March 2nd. Lots of friends and family including Grandpa and Grandma coming  all the way from Nebraska. ... and a 'school" of fast moving little kids.

Haley takes a big swing at the pinata

This is unfair for the pinata...Lucy smashes it

Grace sharing her candy... Jake is saying "more"!

Jake was hypnotized by the candle flame

Haley knows what to do and Jake is still mesmerized

Haley, Just use your tongue

This icing sure is good

Haley's new bike

Haley trying out the new bike

Jake plowing up the living room with his Joihn Deere


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