Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter 2014

Easter Weekend

The grandkids....

                           There was Jake in the backyard with the spotting scope...

                                                    Chilling out in the creek

Friends  (Helms girls Taylor and Morgan and their dog,Mattie) from next door follow Lucy for a slide down the hill to the creek.

                    Cora pointing out  that Gabriel was naked



                                                    Kurt, Cora and Poppy

Campfire time
                                           Real Men prefer Dos Equis

The big girls 

 Cora getting some marshmellow roasting advice
 Lucy found a new reading tree

                                                     Gathering at the fire

                                        Campfire is always great family time

                                            Mommy/Daughter Love

                                      Ryan and Granny enjoying the campfire

 Time for Smores!
 Haley found a new tree to climb
Trying to be patient while the little ones start the egg hunt
 Turned the big girls loose

Do you think we got them all?

 Easter Bunny left some goodie piles on the swing for the big girls
Gabriel headed off into the woods

                                                Looking over the Easter goodies

                                     Ryan kept crawling away from the  photo session


                              Grace and Haley said they were going for a girls-night-out



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