Saturday, February 27, 2016

Honey Producing Plants in Brazoria County, Texas

As a member of the Brazoria County Beekeeping Association, I am doing a year long investigation of the blooming plants of Brazoria County that are visited by honeybees. Included in this photo guide are only native plants and those non-natives which have established themselves in the wild.

  Creeping Buttercups - February and March - source of pollen and nectar

 Hawthorn - February and March - source of pollen and nectar

      Dewberry - February, March, and April - source of pollen and nectar
           Dandelion - February, March and April - source of pollen and nectar

White Clover - March, April, May and June - source of pollen and nectar

Vetch -March - source of nectar

Yaupon - March and April - Most dependable source of nectar for early colony buildup
Possomhaw  - March - source of pollen and nectar
Evening Primrose - March, April, May - source of pollen and nectar
Rough Leaf Dogwood - March, April and May - source of pollen

Japanese Privet - April, May and June - source of nectar
Honeysuckle - April, May and June - source of nectar
Prickly Ash - April - Source of Nectar 
Prickly Ash - April - source of nectar

Poison Ivy - April - source of pollen

Macartney Rose - May and June - Source of pollen

Horsemint- May and early June - Major source of nectar
Chinese Tallow - May and early June - Major source of nectar

Vervain - August and September -

Common Sunflower - June, July and August

Partridge Pea - August and September

Croton - August and September

Climbing Hempweed - September and October

Frostweed - September and October

Goldenrod - September and October

Smartweed - September and October

Swamp Sunflower- September and October

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