Sunday, July 10, 2016

Along the South Fork of Mary's Creek

We found our new home in Pearland... it took us a long time but we finally found it. We should be moving in around August 1st.  Thanks Matt, Laura and Ethan for passing your house down to us. I know that you have many precious memories made at this house and now it is our turn
to make memories.
That's some of the family checking out  the creek behind the house. Adults saw a waterway cleared of brush and the banks straightened and shaped with natural flow destroyed to make way for optimal flow. Pretty much just a big drainage ditch. But the kids, they saw adventure. Cora was so excited when she told Jake.... Granny and Poppy have a creek behind their house. It's Beautiful! I feel a grandkid adventure coming on... hiking down the south fork of St Mary's to the junction with the north fork. Along the way, learning about the fish, dragonflies, turtles, water birds and much more. Maybe we will even be lucky enough to find a snake or two.

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