Saturday, July 22, 2017

Beekeeping at GIFTS camp

Teaching about Beekeeping and other insects at GIFTS camp 2017 was mostly a family affair.... daughters Erin and Sara, granddaughter Lucy, and I plus Charlotte (our high school helper).  Our class was made up of fourteen 6 and 7year old youngsters ( 13 drones and one queen bee). They  learned all about honeybees and how to care for them. The kids did some great "Save the Bee" posters, did a build a bee hive art project, learned to draw an anatomically correct bee, etc. We also extracted honey and then melted beeswax and made candles. A few kids chewed honeycomb for the first time. The class also made some new insect friends such as the mud dabber, the paper wasp, the bumblebee, the praying mantis, the stink bug, the grasshopper, and the butterfly caterpillar. 

 Even with five adults(well maybe three adults and two almost adults), it was a hard to keep the kids focused but then the reward came on Friday when the kids had to do present a show and tell for kids from other classes. Our little beekeepers did an amazing job of telling what they had learned during the week. They really had been listening the whole time. 


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