Going home... one last stop(this is for Larry Bailey) at Turner Falls. I was dressed for swimming but when I saw the crowd, I decided against it. It is a beautiful natural setting with the waterfall and all. On my way back to the highway, I stopped at a small curio shop to get Sally an Oklahoma magnet for the Christmas tree, and got to talking to the store manager. It all started because I was wearing my Aggie cap and he had an Aggie joke for me... Actually I had never heard this one.... "Three college grads showed up for an job interview and they were told that there was only one question. One was from Baylor(the guy telling this is Baptist so he had to put Baylor in a good light), one from UT and one from A&M. The Baylor grad goes in first and the question is .... Old McDonald had a ----------. Spell the missing word. The Baylor Grad says Plantation and spells it P-L-A-N-T-A-T-I-O-N.... Good spelling but that isn't the word we are looking for....The UT Grad answers the same question with Ranch and spells it R-A-N-C-H. . Good job but that isn't the word that we are looking for. The Aggie is next and he absolutely knows this answer.... Old McDonald had a "Farm" and it is spelled E-I-E-I-O. Ok, back to the store. Brother Gary Fielding was a grandpa and his 7 year old granddaughter, Clarity, was with him at the store. Clarity was selling postcard size pictures that she had made of butterflies and flowers and she had signed each of them... 50 cents seemed like a real deal for an original so I grab one. I was telling Brother Gary that I had wanted to go swimming but Turner Falls was just too crowded for me so he gave me directions to a place in the Chickasaw National Recreation Area(nearby) where I won't have to put up with crowds and besides it was free. His secret spot was nice and it was free to swimmers but it was also crowded... I went swimming anyway and enjoyed watching the kids jump off the bank. After drying off in the sun, I got back on Interstate 35 and raced home. Arrived back home to Sally at 9:00. Odometer trip reading says I traveled 4173 miles.

Turner Falls
Travertine Creek Swimming Hole
Reflection... This was the right trip at the right time. I needed to think through what I wanted to do in the next stage of my life and I did just that. Now, I need to put it into action.
Thanks Bill!