Sunday, October 30, 2011

Meeting the Tinnirello's

Agata's parents, Carmelo and Nella Tinnirello, traveled half way around the world to meet their new grandson, Gabriel.  The Tinnirello's know just a little English and Sally and I know just a little Italian so Agata and Kurt spent a lot of time translating. However, it turns out that we all know some Spanish which helped and we made use of sign langauge like a thumbs up or the "ok" sign which are common to both cultures. Carmelo and I also found that showing pictures on the labtop works well for getting an idea across(a picture is worth a thousand words). 

For lunch during our visit, Nella prepared for us a tradiational meal with several courses which included lasagna, polette, arancini and orange cake(I don't know if it has an Italian name).  lt was all wonderfully delicious personal favorite...the arancini.

Gabriel,    We love you!
Nonno Carmelo, Nonna Nella, Granny Sally and Poppy Bill


Nonno Carmelo

Nonna Nella

Carmelo and Nella at Buskirk Halloween party

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