Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Geronimo Creek Flood - Jan 25, 2012

Woke up this morning to the roar of the Geronimo creek. Even before daylight, I put on my raingear, grabbed a flashlight and headed over to the bluff to observe.  The creek was up about 8 feet at that time.  Went in the house to get ready for work and then decided to take another look at about 7:45.  The water had risen 3-4 more feet in that short time and lots of debri was racing by in the floodwater.  The flood crested at slightly higher than the June, 2010 flood. For future reference, the water reached the bottom railroad tie step.  Our rain gauge showed 5 inches. 

Jan 25, 2012 Flood

Water getting close to driveway of house down the street

An old fashioned ______ floater!

High Water mark- bottom step 


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