Thursday, February 16, 2012

San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo

Saturday night at the Stock Show and Rodeo. I had never been to San Antonio Stock Show and Sally Jo(the full name sounds more in tune with rodeo) hadn't been to Stock Show since she shook Roy Rogers's hand in the 50s.  As planned, we met our friends and experienced rodeo goers, Erwin and Patricia Lehmann, at the parking lot and spent the evening together. We grabbed a little midway food(includimg chicken fried bacon), went through a couple of cow barns and headed over to the rodeo. The rodeo was quiet a treat.  It moved along very fast from one event to another.  Calf roping, barrel racing, bronc riding,  bull riding and  some kid events mixed in such as Mutton Busting and Calf Scramble. The finale was a Keith Urban concert.  Sally and I had heard his name before but couldn't name any of his songs. Give him credit for putting on a helleva show. We were especially impressed when  he broke from the stage while singing and climbed over the arena rail and started ascending the stairs toward our area. The arena was really rocking.  He stopped about six rows in front of us where he finished the song, then followed with a nice touch by signing  his guitar and giving it  to a little girl( about Lucy's age) who was being held high by her Dad. 

Bronc riding

Got to love the little kids doing the Mutton Busting

Calf Scramble

Sally Jo enjoys her Strawberry/Lime Margarita

Keith Urban

Signing his guitar

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