Friday, April 27, 2012

wooden cistern

For some time now, I have been interested in old wooden cisterns. I have in mind, to purchase an old cistern and restore it to it's original purpose. I plan to use it to hold rainwater from the roof of my  workshop for use in the garden and yard.  When I was a kid, there was no rural community water system in this area, so if you didn't have a water well at your house then you had gutters and a cistern that collected rainwater from your rooftop.  We had such a cistern at our home near Barbarosa in the late 1950s.  I can remember thinking about all the crud that was flowing into the cistern from the roof during rains and dad saying "Don't worry, we drink the water off the bottom and all the other stuff floats on the top."

The photo below is an old cistern that I am hoping to purchase and restore.  The offer is "in" and I am waiting to hear.  This deal may not come to fruition so if you know of anyone selling an old cistern, please let me know.

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