Monday, July 9, 2012

Vacation - Savannah

Wake up Savannah! After breakfast, we headed to Forsyth Park to the Savannah Farmer's Market.  We enjoy visiting Farmer's Markets whenever we are away from home to mix with the locals and see what kind of produce is locally grown... today we had fun and bought Tupelo Honey, a bag of Georgia peaches and a handfull of Blueberry beans(Never seen these beans before ...they look kinda like a speckled butter bean). I plan to take the beans home to dry and plant this fall.  Met some nice folks and inspected a vendor's trailer that I thought was a masterpiece of design. 

Next we were off  to the beach at Tybee Island.  Souvenier Shops galore.  The Atlantic was cold but the water clarity was about like Port Aransas. However, they do keep the beach very clean and it was packed with tourists.  I think that Texas is really missing the boat when it comes to our beaches...they are often so littered with trash, seaweed, etc. 

From Tybee Island, we went into Savannah and had a late lunch... took a siesta and then went back down to the historial district for some more history and dinner at Huey's.  They claimed to have great Creole so I went for it... it was just "ok"...I should have known that Louisiana and Sally's Kitchen are the only places where I'm going to get  creole like Mom use to make.

Farmer's Market


First time we had ever seen a turtle crossing sign

Arrive Tybee Island

Shopping row

dueling cameras

Enjoying the beach

Tybee beach was just a little crowded
Tybee Beach

If we ever moved to Savannah, this is the house that we want

This is a really old cemetery...1750-1853(closed before Civil War)

Typical of the Yellow Fever outbreaks, the victims were buried in mass graves

Just a couple of Southern Gentlemen......

I loved the way that the Bee Company bottled their honey...

sunset from Riverfront...bridge over Savannah river

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