Thursday, August 2, 2012

Kayaking the San Marcos river

Great way to spend a hot day... paddling the San Marcos in our kayaks.  Ed and Cathy Waley met Sally and I at Shady Grove in Martindale and we all paddled down to Staples(total of 5.7 miles).  The first half of this trip had some nice rapids and even a falls with a drop of about three feet. 

Great Egret ...Part of the fun of kayaking is how close you can get to the birds

headed down the river

Sally about to demostrate her specialty... the  "360"

If Prof Davis could see us now

This way guys!

What is a group of damselflies called?

Green Heron

Look real close...this green heron has just caught a frog

 Sally is under that hat

Great egret posing for the camera

Juvenile Blotched Water snake

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