Tuesday, March 18, 2014

From the mouths of babes

You probably already know how I like to talk about my grandkids and the amazing things that they say. I thought that I better write down these stories while I am still young. (Ha-Ha)

These stories are all expressions of grandkid understanding of "old":

Lucy -  When Lucy was about five years old, she and I were walking down the sidewalk and like little girls will do, she starts picking wildflowers and making a tiny bouquet. She had done this many times before but this time I asked her, "Is that a wedding bouquet?" and I followed that with "Are you going to get married some day?"  In complete innocence and childhood honesty, she answers "Poppy, I'm going to get married some day but you will be in heaven by then." I had a quicker than normal response. "Well, I'll be looking down from heaven at your wedding." and she followed that with "I'll have an outdoor wedding so you can see it." Of course, my goal is to not only be present at the wedding but also to dance with the bride at the reception.

Grace - Grace and Lucy were staying with us and while heading into Seguin we drove past IHOP. Grace really loves IHOP and asked if we could eat there in the morning. Sweet Grace thought that it might hurt my feelings since she knew I was planning to make my traditional breakfast taquitos the next morning. She says, "Poppy, I love your taquitos but I am really hungry for pancakes. Next time you make taquitos, I want you to teach me how to make them because you won't always be around to make them."  To that I said, "Well, when you make them they should be called Grace's taquitos." Grace followed with "No, Poppy...they will always be Poppy's taquitos even if you aren't here." The next morning we went to IHOP... breakfast taquito lesson can wait.

Haley - Haley and I were playing with Legos on the floor and out of nowhere pops this bit of philosophy that seemed out of place at that moment.  It is like the thought just came to her and she needed to ask it right now. While squeezing the Lego pieces together, Haley asks "Poppy, will I be able to find you and Granny when I get to heaven?" "You'll are really old so you will go there before me.  Grandma Mary is already there." My reply, "Don't worry, we'll be watching for you."

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