Saturday, October 18, 2014

Canyon Lake Gorge

I went with a group of 15 or so GBRA employees to Canyon Lake for a guided tour/hike of the Canyon Lake Gorge on Friday, Oct 17.  This gorge was formed when floodwaters from the 2002 flood went through the spillway.  It is an awesome display of what fast moving water can do in just a few days.

                                  GBRA Lab plus two extras and minus yours truly

You want to question the power of moving water...look at the size of these boulders moved by the floodwater coming over the spillway

Boneset is one of the most common plants in the gorge

Many small seeps and springs are flowing where there were none before.

The scoured landscape of the gorge(12 years after the event)

Our guide - Cynde Jimenez

Greater Earless lizard - I felt super lucky that this fast little fellow stopped and posed for me. 

Cretaceous fossils are abundant

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