Sunday, May 3, 2015

Georgia on my Mind

After leaving Charleston, we drove through rural Georgia to the small town of Cuthbert, Ga. where our friends, Dave and Dian Wallis, have a beautiful old turn of the history(1900) home with real southern charm.  The front porch in the tradition of southern porches(before AC) was built to take advantage of the prevailing breeze and wide enough to accommodate a neighborhood of visitors.  Sitting on the porch in wicker chairs sipping red wine with the breeze keeping you cool.... it is like going back in time. 

The following day we all drove over to Callaway Gardens where we had a sleepover at one of the cabins on the grounds.  We picked up some bicycles and rode for miles through the azaleas and piney woods periodically stopping at attractions such as butterfly garden, victory gardens, etc.   A couple of notes here.... I was fascinated with the flower identification displays in the museum where each blooming plant was life-like in a Plexiglas box (they looked so real that you couldn't tell for sure but they had to be artificial). Perfect place to learn your flowering plants.  Also, the desert environment in the botanical greenhouse was amazing...I have a photo to show what that looked like because I want to build a small version of this in the future. The way the desert plants grow on the vertical stone wall where you get close to every plant is a masterful idea.

While at Callaway Gardens, we also took time to visit the "Little White House" where Franklin Delano Roosevelt came during his Presidency to rest and undergo warm mineral springs therapy for polio.  The austere living conditions at "Little White House" surprised me...President Roosevelt was living much like a common man...nothing like the lavish lifestyle of the politicians of today who are getting rich at our expense.

Southern Charm

So many trails...


The vertical desert wall 

Little White House is the white building in the middle

Unfinished portrait at the time of his death
Warm Springs
No water in the pool

You can feel and smell the mineral laden warm spring water as it comes up out of the ground.


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