Sunday, June 11, 2017

Alaska - Whittier, Denali National Park

Train from Whittier to Denali National Park, naturalist tour of Denali... Continuing photo log....

                                                                    Black bear
                                                     Mommy bear and her three cubs
Glacial silt

                                                                       Beaver pond
                                                                     Our train
Saw lots of mountains but it was too cloudy to see Denali

love these winding river valleys

Take Two

Foothills of Mount Denali

Can you feel the cold?

It's cold and this is late May

                                   Reindeer sausage hors d'oeuvres - entering Denali National Park

Beauty everywhere

Denali is so grand in size

                                               Story of Denali presented by native Athabaskan.

Got some sunshine on the mountains but still no Mount Denali

Talkeetna, Alaska near Denali National Park

Princess Wilderness Lodge near Denali National Park

1 comment:

  1. Great trip! I especially love your picture of the dear! 🙂
