Sunday, August 20, 2017

Santa Fe with Dave and Dian

 We escaped the Texas heat by spending a few days in Santa Fe.  The weather in Santa Fe is so nice this time of year - 50s in nearly mornings and cools down quickly at night.  Yes, it is hot in the middle of the day but at least it is a dry heat. Highpoints of our trip included cliff dwellings at Bandelier National Monument, Earthship Community, delicious New Mexico mexican food, Marcia Ball concert, and more.....

Billy the Kid grave marker had to be encased in steel and put behind bars to keep outlaws from stealing it

Grave marker says it all... Joe Grant (also known as Texas Red) was also a gunfighter. It is a great story on how Billy the Kid out foxed Texas Red.

A friend recommended this nice little family owned restaurant near the Plaza and we  loved it.  They make you feel like you are family before they bring you a delicious plate of food. 

We ate twice at El Callejon and whenever anyone asked us where to eat we sent them there.

                                                  Bandelier National Monument
                                                         Bandelier National Monument
                                                        Bandelier National Monument
                                                           Where did they hide the chocolate?

                                                      Pretty small quarters for a family
Enjoying Bandelier

My favorite Petroglyph

                                            The Long House was at the top of 140 steps

                                                           Lesser Goldfinch at Bandelier
Bandelier National Monument

Rio Grande Gorge near Taos, New Mexico

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge

If you want to be off the grid, build in the Earthship community

                                                  One of the many Earthship homes
                                             Building a wall out of tires and bottles

                                                         So many unique homes

                   From Austin, Texas..... Marcia Ball and her band performing at the Plaza. Our favorites songs were Tattooed Lady and the Alligator Man and the Squeeze is On.

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