Sunday, September 24, 2017

South Carolina Vacation

What remained  of  Hurricane Irma had just moved through South Carolina before we arrived.  Our first stop was three days in Charleston. Low lying parts of the historical district had flooded  but most businesses were already back in business.  Unfortunately, we were not able to visit Fort Sumter because it was closed due to damage to the dock. From Charleston we drove to Myrtle Beach for a week at Grand Dunes  resort.  Very relaxing vacation.

                                                Looking out on Charleston Harbor

 Castle Pinckney - constructed in 1810 to protect Charleston Harbor. During the Civil War, used as a prisoner of war camp
 Fort Sumter - At the start of Civil War, Union soldiers occupied for 36 hours then surrendered the fort to confederacy.
                  Fort Moltaire  dates back to American Revolution...

  During walking tour of Fort Moltaire, I spotted these kegs - DuPont got its start making gunpowder along the Brandywine river in Delaware.

Osceola, Seminole Leader was a prisoner at Fort Moltaire and is buried at this spot . He lead the resistance against  the removal of his people to the Indian Territory in Oklahoma.

In Charleston, we ate at Justine's and I had the Blue Plate Special.  Designating a  Blue Plate special must be making a come back. Back in the 60s, my Dad and I would eat the Blue Plate special when we grabbed a bite at the N&P railroad café in Glendive, Montana while working bees.

 At Fort Moltaire, we met a couple from Ohio that suggested Acme Lowcountry Kitchen for lunch and it was a delight. 

On the wall in Acme Lowcountry... Back in Pearland, I hope to find one of these old doors and put pictures of grandkids in the framed sections

                                                           Acme Lowcountry - so delicious


                                                       Look at all the little treasures

                                                                        Myrtle Beach
                                          Myrtle Beach - Surf is up!

Cormorant - showing off by balancing on one leg

Wood Stork


       Visiting Brookgreen Gardens at Pawley Island - Bears sculpture by Anna Hyatt Huntington

                                                     Fritillary at Brookgreen Gardens

Swallowtail at Brookgreen gardens

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