Saturday, March 19, 2011

Silva Spring

Silva springs .....There are many small springs and seeps that feed two distinct stream branches that eventually converge to a single stream before flowing into the Geronimo creek.  These springs are located between Haberle road and Laubach road.  The combined flow as it enters the creek has the greatest volume of any springs that I have photographed to this point.  The photos start at the pretty spring pool in a stand of cypress trees just off Haberle road and proceed downstream approximately 400 yards to the junction with the south branch. From there, the photos show the south branch as I move upstream approximately 200 yards to the seeps where the south branch begins.. From there, I back tracked and the photos pick up again at the junction of the two branches. From this junction, I preceeded downstream another 500 to 600 yards to the confluence with the Geronimo creek.

 Headwater spring forming north branch of Silva springs.

100 yards downstream on north branch

                             Shows volume of water flowing in north branch

Junction of north and south branches

                  Beautiful miniture canyon with maiden-hair fern on south branch

                                         Shows volume of water flowing in south branch

Headwater seeps/springs that form the south branch

From junction of south and north branches, the stream proceeds approximately 600 yards to Geronimo creek. Notice the combined flow volume for Silva springs

Spring flow as it enters Geronimo creek through culvert pipe


  1. wow that was so informative so enlightening such valuable fodder for life, for existence for the future, Our future of familiarity. The river is my family. Not yours. By Far our family...join us

  2. i desperately want to experience this truth in life water clear free and arollo
