Monday, March 26, 2012

Agata's parents visit

Gabriel with the help of Kurt and Agata brought his Sicilan grandparents(visiting from Butera, Sicily) to Geronimo to visit his American grandparents.  Carmello and Nella speak very little English and Sally and I speak very little Italian so we kept Agata and Kurt very occupied with translation.  Carmello and Nella wanted to see some of the local historical sites so we drove into San Antonio to see some of  the oldest historical sites in the United States....the Spanish missions.  The mission San Antonio de Valero(the Alamo) being the oldest(almost 300 years).  They enjoyed the artifacts and architecture but I couldn't help thinking that to them this is not really old...the buildings and churches back home are thousands of years old.  Out of curiosity, I asked about the age of their church in Butera and it dates from the 13th century.  We had a picnic lunch in a park near San Jose Mission and later joined the multitude of tourists on the River Walk. 

church of the Mission San Jose

Rosa's Window

Mommy time

Granny and Gabriel

nap for Gabriel....lunch for us

The Alamo

That's Gabriel behind those cool sunglasses

Gelatto on the River Walk

Gabriel the Scientist liked the boat ride at Aquarina Springs

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