Sunday, April 8, 2012

Good Friday camp-out and the Egg Hunt

Good Friday camp-out was a great idea that went awry when Stephen F Austin State Park turned out to be Mosquito and Gnat State Park... We learned from one of the park hosts that liquid vanilla streaked on the face will repel the gnats from around the the face and that worked well... We just couldn't beat the mosquitoes.  We tried to make a go of it but it was just ridiculous and we figured that it was only going to get worse when the sun goes down.  Even with all the mosquito bites the grandkids didn't want to leave. 

We had to break the news that we were leaving

The camp-out moved to Erin and Chris's backyard ... We set up the tent and made a fire.. That is Haley roasting a peep for her Easter S'more. 

Lucy and Grace enjoying their Peep S'mores

Jake and Granny enjoying the backyard campfire

Cora getting to stay up late. 

It was a long cool Friday night in the tent but Lucy, Grace and Haley didn't know it as they all slept like logs.  Granny bailed out on me sometime during the night and ended up in the house.  Next morning we went to watch Haley play soccer and then went back to the Varnell campground  for Poppy's taquitos(camping tradition) and  the Easter Egg Hunt.

Haley was into the soccer and scored three goals

Haley scoring a goal

Haley got the Sportsmanship medal

I caught Lucy stuffing  a whole Easter egg jello giggler into her mouth

Gabriel is getting a little help to find Easter eggs


Post Easter Egg Hunt Grandkid Gathering

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