Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Washington, D.C.

First couple of days were packed full of interesting sites(lots of walking).  Our tax dollars at work as it seems most everything in Washington is free to the public. Visiting the monuments and reading again the famous speeches of Lincoln, Jefferson, Washington, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan, King and others on the hallowed walls of the monuments reminded me that no political party has a monopoly on truth and that we have in the past been able to put the differences aside for the common good.  My hope has been renewed that we will again be able come together and find the middle ground and act as one people to solve the problems that exist today.

Cherry Blossom Festival parade

Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps

Sweetheart in Blooms

Our 44th anniversary shot
World War 2 Monument

Bob Dole and WW2 vets

 Cherry Blossoms

The blooming cherry trees were awesomely beautiful

More blooms
 Jefferson Memorial
Thomas Jefferson
Franklin Roosevelt Memorial

FDR Memorial - Great Depression era
 Lincoln Memorial
We took an excellent guided tour of Lincoln Memorial led by Park Ranger
Vietnam statue 

 Vietnam Memorial

Vietnam Women's Memorial 
Here we are again....
Washington Monument
Arlington cemetery

 Tomb of the Unknown Solider

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