Thursday, April 16, 2015

Washington, D.C. - #2

Woke up to another beautiful day in the nation's capital.  Following the advice of the hotel concierge we left the hotel early to get in line for tickets at the Holocaust Museum. The tickets are free but they start passing them out at 10:00 each day and it is best to be in line by 9:00 if you want to get the entry time of your choosing.  Sally held our place in that line while I hiked over to the Washington Monument to get timed tickets (again free) for entrance later in the day. We  ended up with 12:30 tickets for Holocaust Museum and 4:00 for Washington Monument. While waiting for 12:30 to come around, we took a tour of the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing(prints U.S. currency) and had an early lunch at the Agriculture Building Cafeteria(which turned out to be a great find...lots of choices, good food and good prices).

Three hours in Holocaust Museum was not enough time to see it all.

So many shoes...a stark reminder of all those lives lost

From top of Washington Monument - Cherry trees, paddleboats and Jefferson Memorial

From top of Washington Monument - White House

From top of Washington Monument - World War Two and Lincoln Memorials

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