Saturday, June 20, 2015

Father's Day Swim

My treat for Father's Day.... the whole family being together for swimming and pizza at the pool this afternoon. The grandkids had made me this booklet  that included their drawings and descriptions of me which is so cute and I will always cherish.  Here are their words to describe what Poppy loves to do ---- Gabriel says "Poppy loves to play", Cora says 'Poppy loves to work with bees", Jake says "Poppy loves to garden", Haley says "Poppy loves to spend time with his grandkids.", Grace says "Poppy loves to play with his grandkids.", and Lucy says "Poppy loves to explore.".  They nailed it...that's me in a nutshell.

      Lucy, Grace, Haley, Cora, Jake and Gabriel(Ryan and Luca didn't make the photo)

                                           In celebration of Father's Day....

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