Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sharing Old Family Photos

Uncle Dennis Ayo recently sent me a bunch of old family photos from 40s, 50s and 60s.  Some of them were completely new to me.  Thanks Dennis for sharing these priceless artifacts.

The photos that were new to me:

Tim and I in the same baby bed 

We sure were a skinny bunch - Dad was about 42 years old

Mom was about 19 years old in this photo taken by street photographer in Lake Charles in late 40s

Dad -The photo is date stamped 1960 and the note on the back says  
that this is the trailer house where we use to live.  I have no clue about this.

1952 - Tommy seems to be ok with that pig but I look kind of scared of it.
Tommy's shirt looks familiar, I think because I wore it after it got handed down to me.
Anybody know the name of this pig - Is it a 50s Porky Pig? 

1 comment:

  1. Bill, I really don't believe that is dad in that picture with the trailer--that guy looks younger than 43. Uncle Dennis must have been mistaken. I can tell by the nose :)!
