Monday, June 7, 2021

50th Anniversary Trip - Fossil Fish in Kemmerer, Wyoming

We drove to Kemmerer, Wyoming for the sole purpose of looking for Fish Fossil. It was my birthday gift from Sally.  You pay a fee to split shale rock in a quarry. A front end loader scoops shale out of the hillside which is part of the Green River formation which is known for quality fish fossils. This shale was the sediment laid down at the bottom of a huge lake.during the Eocene period (50,000,000 years ago).  The quarry is very remote with about ten miles of gravel/dirt road to get there. 

Lots of Pronghorn Antelopes around Kemmerer.

Road to the quarry

American Fossil Quarry

Split the shale and if you get lucky, you find a fossil fish in between the layers. 


 The quarry provides rock saws so you can trim up your fossils

Some examples of what I found.

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