Sunday, August 30, 2015

Geneology - Simon C White

 Added this today for you .... Two things that might complete this story... Did Shadrach really father children when he was 80 years old?  What happened to Mahala Gibson White? Did she make it to Texas? Is it possible that the Mahala with no last name that was living with Peter White (Simon's brother) in Goliad, Texas the same person? 

Here is what I think that I know about Simon C White and his parents, Shadrick and Sarah.
Simon C White was my great great great grandfather on my mother's side of the family:

Simon C White (throughout his life he used the middle initial when giving his name) was the son of Shadrick White and Sarah Gibson. 

Shadrick White fought in the Revolutionary Army with the 15th Virginia Continental.  Born 1721
 in Virginia(highly suspect but not impossible...He would have been 55 when he fought in American Revolution. I will refer back to his age in later parts of this document. )  He is found in records of Russell, Washington and Tazewell Counties, Virginia.

Shadrick had been married(maybe common law) to Gledis Ramey.

Shadrick and Gledis had at least one child.... Nancy.  (This is not our direct descendent so I didn't spend much time researching this individual).

Gledis and Shadrick appear on land documents in Russell Co, Va in 1787 and 1788. (It is believed that Gledis died sometime before 1799 and as it was a common practice of this day...Shadrick honored his deceased wife by naming his first daughter of his next marriage, Gledis.)

Shadrick married Sarah Gibson  on April 22, 1799 in Washington Co, Va (Shadrick would have been 71 on his wedding day- highly suspect but not impossible)

Shadrick and Sarah had the following children : (1) Gledis born 1803 in Virginia  and married Abraham Nowell in Pike Co, Mo(2) Simon C born July 19,1806 in Culpepper Co,Va (3) Peter born in Culpepper Co Virginia, (4) Rebecca born 1809 in Va and married Issac Seela in Ralls Co, Missouri in 1827
Shadrck and Sarah left Va between 1810 and 1813.

1813 Washington Co, Indiana record shows Shadrick and Sarah and children Nancy, Rebecca, Gledis, and Simon C

Nancy married Abraham Onstott in Washington Co, Indiana.

Shadrick would have been 88 when he conceived Rebecca which is unlikely....( So why did he claim to be so old????You will see in family records later in Missouri that be claimed to be over 100 years old)

Excerpts from interview with judge Onstott from Carthage Evening press in 1901. His father, Abraham Onstott from Pike Co, Mo went to Jasper Co, Mo in 1832 on a prospecting tour. Made a stop in Sarcoxie.  The next spring, my mother's brother, Simon C White, and wife and mother's sister, Mrs Isaac Seela and husband started for Sarcoxie with their children and goods. With this party was my grandmother, Sarah White, then 80 years old. Her husband was still living, but was 112 years old and too feeble to travel.  He remained behind with my mother and father(Abraham Onstott). He fretted so that father left and took him to Sarcoxie. My father soon returned and got mother and us nine children and took us to Sarcoxie too. I was about 16 years old at this time.  When we arrived at Sarcoxie, we found that grandfather had died. He was buried in the Gibson cemetery.

Simon C married Mahala Gibson on May 143, 1830 in Pike Co, Mo

Simon C white in Missouri 1830 census - five free whites in household. Simon C was 24 years old; One male under five was probably baby, Issac;  One male over 100 - probably Shadrick White; One female between 20-29 was probably Mahala; one female between 60-69 was probably Sarah.

Simon C White is referenced in The Cavalcade of Jackson County Texas:  Simon was one of the petitioners then living in a part of Victoria Co that wished to be annexed to Jackson County. Date of document is April 4, 1838. The annexation concerned land six miles west of Lavaca river. Simon did not know how to write his name. Also referenced in this document is Peter White which I believe is brother of Simon White and was one of the earliest settlers of Jackson Co.

Simon C and son, Isacc, selling land in Jackson Co to Moses Burnett in 1860. This land had belonged to Felix Ernest from land grant from Government of Coahuila. Simon C had bought this land March 18, 1840.

Document of 1860 giving Isaac power of attorney... states that Simon C is from St Mary parish in La.

Nancy Vaughan was born Nov 29, 1820 in La 

1850 La census
Household of Simon White - Rancher
Simon - Age 40 - from Virginia
Nancy Vaughan - age 29 - from Louisiana
Issac White - age 18 -  (b 1832 - first child of Simon white and Mahala Gibson)
Edmond White - age 7 - La
Shadrick White - age 6 - La
Jacob White - age 5 - La
Phillip White - age 4 - La

Household of Edmond Vaughan, Sr - Planter
Edmond Vaughan, Sr - age 74 - from Virginia - Nancy Vaughan White's father - died Jan 10, 1857
Elizabeth Smith - age 61 - from Bahama Islands -died Oct 17, 1888
Mary Vaughan - age 31 - (from La)
Phillip Stine - age 16 - from La
John Stine - age 14 - from La

Household of Jacob Vaughan - Planter
Jacob Vaughan - age 27 - Louisiana - Nancy's brother
Lucy Smith - age 23 - La
Jacob Vaughan - age 1 - La
Nancy Forman - age 8 - La

Phillip and Jacob Stine were Mary Vaughan's children by her first husband, James Stine.  Mary and James were married June 29, 1833 at Franklin courthouse, (Maryland).

(Edmond Vaughan, Sr born in Richmond, Virginia)

(Nancy married Simon in early 1840s)

Nancy buried at Kennedy Cemetery, Texas in 1906

List of Simon and Nancy's children:
Edmond - born Oct 20, 1842 in La
Shadrick - born in 1844 in La
Jacob - born in 1845 in La
Phillip - horn 1846 in La
Sarah - born 1852 in La (died 1855)
Simon, Jr - born 1853
Mary - born 1855
John - born 1856
Jefferson and Nancy born 1861

Family bible - Edmund White died Dec 10, 1873

Simon C White's daughter, Mary, had married William Busby in Goliad on Jan 28, 1879

Nancy Vaughan White filed for Texas Revolution veteran widow pension from state on sept 29, 1874. She claimed to have been present at the death of Simon C  who died Sept 23rd of 1873 in Iberia Parish, La. This document was recorded in Goliad county, Texas. Son, Simon White, Jr, also claimed to have been at the death of his father in Iberia Parish on Sept 23, 1873 in Iberia Parish. Another supporting document done by John T (last name was illegible) stated that Simon C was in Capt Sutherland's company during the Texas Revolution. This document was recorded in Victoria Co on Nov 14, 1874. There are other supporting documents to prove Simon was veteran and supporting Nancy's widow pension.

Simon C had filed for veteran pension on June 2, 1871.

Simon C fought in Battle of Plum Cr on Aug 12, 1840 along with his brother, Peter. 

1840 Jackson Co tax records:
Peter White - 4428 acres and Simon C with 320 acres

Early Jackson Co White surname that might be related to Simon C are Peter, Samuel A, Sarah, John M., James G. , A.S. White and sons (more research needed). 

Samuel Addison White wrote letter for Simon C to auditor's office on Feb 4, 1837.

Sarah White was widow with large family that moved to Jackson Co in 1835 and died in 1839 in Jackson Co and her son,Simon C sold her headright certificate  to Samuel Addison White on Jan 14, 1856

Simon was given one league and labor of land as Texas veteran. Certificate issued by Jackson Co on Jan 28. 1838. (Appears to have used for land on Manahuilla Creek in Goliad Co

Nancy Vaughan White was found in the 1860 and 1870 censuses in La. (From 1870 to 1874, she may have been in La or Goliad Co, Texas. Some family think that her and Simon had actually moved to Texas before his death and that he was back in La on business when he died. If she wasn't actually with him when he died than she lied on the Texas pension record of 1874 where she claimed to have been present at his death)

Nancy lived with her daughter, Mary at Choate, Tx where her son-in-law ran a cotton gin.

My great great grandpa (Edmund White)was born Oct 20, 1842
 in Chacahoula, La. Married May 20, 1868 in Houma, La to Emile Bourgeois. Baptized on Dec 2, 1873 in Church of St Lawrence in Chacahoula (probably very sick) Died 1873-1875. 1870
 La Census - Edmond was 25 years old and was an Overseer. Emile was 21 years old and they had a one year old daughter, Emma. Emma is my great grandmother.

Edmund White found in legal document in where he leases Plantation in Iberia Parish. It states that he is from Terrabone Parish. The document was recorded in Iberia Parish.

Edmund White died of Yellow Fever in 1873-1874 - referenced in family history

Letter from grandpa Ayo to my father - 1986 - I remember Jefferson and Nancy when they came to visit around 1922 in Lockport, La. I believe they lived near Robstown or Mission, Texas.

Emma White had two siblings - Joseph Edmond White - b 1-29-1871 died 1934 in New Orleans and Marie Nancy White b 9-11-1872 and buried in Lockport, La

1870 La Census
Simon - 63
Nancy - 49
Shadrick - 25
Jacob - 23
phillip - 21
Simon Jr - 17
Mary - 14
John - 11
Jeff Davis - 8
Nancy - 8
Issac - 37
Mary - 29
Margaret -10
David - 8

Issac married Mary Stein and both are buried at Chenier Au Tieg, La

Simon White married Mahala Gibson in Pike Co, Mo  on May 13, 1830.  (What happened to Mahala? Issac was living with his father in 1850 La census.  Family story says that Simon and Mahala were living in Texas and Simon went to war and Mahala and 4 year old Issac escaped the Mexican army advance in the the Runaway Scape.  Looking for records of Mahala after 1832 ---need to search Missouri, Mississippi and Texas.) Check 1840 Missouri census to see if she ended up back in Missouri. Were there any other children from this marriage?)

Sarah Gibson of Jackson County is noted in land sale.... 1835.  She died about 1839.


  1. Hey cousin, it's been a long time since I worked on genealogy (my husband was very sick for a long time and passed in late 2017) but I am trying to get back into it some. I've been playing around on the internet today and came across something interesting. Shadrach is listed as being one of Moses Moss' fellow enlistees into Captain Thomas Mastin's company out of Washington Co., VA in 1780. Now Moses Moss married Nancy Cockrell, who was a niece or cousin (depending on whose family tree you look at online) of the Reverend Simon Cockrell - a Baptist preacher of some note in colonial VA. Rev. Simon's grandmother was apparently one Elizabeth Ramey. Interesting.
    Cindi Allen Schmerber

  2. Hello White Family Decendents, just wanted to let you know that the headstone of Peter White was found in a field in Goliad Co. It was removed from the grave by heavy machine operators, thinking to preserve it. Rodney Seiler, GG Nephew of Mahala McCulloch White, 2nd wife of Pater White, will be in possession of the headstone. A GGranddaughter of Peter son, Austin White is also working to support arrangements to return the headstone to the grave are in process. Grave will be recorded with State of Texas, and registered as Historic Grave Found, and documented. Regards, Jo Ann W. Seiler
