Friday, April 17, 2015

Washington, D.C. - National Zoological Park

Our last morning in Washington and we drove out to The National Zoo to see the giant pandas.  Like most everything else in Washington, the zoo is free. We got to the zoo about 9:00 which was before the crowds. By the time we left at noon, the place was packed with school kids. The pandas were every bit as fascinating as I thought they would be.  Besides the pandas, I found the orangutans and gorillas particularly interesting.

 The "o line" is the only one of its kind in the world...the orangutans use these ropes and a series of towers to go back and forth between the "Think Tank" and "Great Ape House". They actually travel above the crowd of people...very exciting as you look up and see them above you. They are allowed to travel of their own free will as they go and come from school(think tank) where they are presently learning how to add.

Almost home
This gorilla is so sad...looks like he has been put in "Time Out"

What is he thinking about?

Cheetah on the prowl
Don't remember the name of this species
Burrowing Owl

River Otters

Golden-headed Lion Tamarin

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