Friday, April 17, 2015

Washington D.C. - Smithsonian Day

The weather forecast was for rain and the weatherman was rained all day. Seemed like the perfect day to spend inside the Smithsonian museums so we threw on the raincoats and headed over there.

First, we took the tour of the Air and Space Museum... we had a great guide that was a retired teacher. We started with space travel from the German V2 to the Space Station.  I found the development of rockets following WW2 and the race between Soviets and Americans to develop ever bigger payload rockets very interesting. Then the guide took us over to air travel where we saw so many famous planes like the Wright Flyer, Spirit of St Louis flown by Charles Lindbergh, Bell X-1 that Chuck Yeager flew to break the sound barrier, the X-15 rocket plane that still to this day holds the speed record for a plane - Mach 6.2, Rutan Voyager(around the world without refueling) and many more.

After a morning in the Air and Space Museum, we spent the afternoon in the Natural History Museum... There was so much to see and I would like to have read every sign but it is just so much.. Warning! If you don't believe in Human Evolution, you had better skip the whole section on that subject because they aren't describing it as "theory". 

                                                Russia vs United States

Actual size of Pacific Jellyfish(Don't worry it is not found in Gulf of Mexico)




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