Friday, May 15, 2015

Visiting Family in St George, Utah

While in Utah, I visited two of my mother's Uncle Dennis and also my Aunt Elsie and her husband, Bob.  I hadn't seen any of them in years but in no time at all we rolled the years back and had great visits.  It was so much fun hearing
Ayo family stories and filling in gaps of my knowledge about the exploits of my Mom and her siblings in the early years. My favorite story had to be on my Aunt Betty (recently departed) when the girls (Betty, Beverly, and Elsie) were making too much noise in their room upstairs(all the girls that were living at home had one room and the boys still at home stayed together in the room across the hall). From downstairs, Grandma told the girls to be quiet and when they were still making noise, she started up the stairs and everybody knew that meant that spankings were coming. When grandma came into the room to take care of business, Betty ran past her and down the stairs and out the door.  Everybody upstairs was shocked...nobody ever ran away from grandma's discipline. Besides there was nowhere to go, and when you came back it was bound to be twice as bad. The other kids listened as grandma and now grandpa stood on the porch and called her name. It seems that Betty was hiding high up in a big cedar tree that grew next to the house and keeping silent. It turns out that one of the boys spotted her up in the tree from their bedroom window and went downstairs to tell grandma and grandpa.  Grandma and grandpa  tried to coax her out of the tree but she wouldn't come down to face the punishment.   After a while, Betty agreed to come down if grandma and grandpa promised that they wouldn't spank her. They promised and she came down out of the tree. (Remember these were different times) When she reached the porch, she got her spanking anyway and sent to bed.  I guess when you were raising a family of eleven  kids that there was not much room for foolishness.

Uncle Dennis

 Aunt Elsie

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